SAVE: As Bogus Rape Claims Grow, SAVE Calls for Repeal of Federal Sex Assault Directive

Contact: Teri Stoddard

As Bogus Rape Claims Grow, SAVE Calls for Repeal of Federal Sex Assault Directive

WASHINGTON / April 4, 2013 – Exactly two years after the U.S. Department of Education (DED) issued its directive on campus sexual assault, the federal mandate continues to stoke controversy. SAVE reiterates its call for the federal agency to remove the policy, first issued on April 4, 2011, which it believes is unconstitutional.

Civil rights expert Wendy Kaminer has described the policy as a concession to an “authoritarian impulse.” To date, 110 editorials have scored the DED mandate for imposing a preponderance-of-evidence standard, stripping the accused of the presumption of innocence, and allowing students to be expelled without the benefit of legal counsel:

The directive has given rise to a growing number of false allegations of sexual assault, many say.

On February 15, 2013, Morgan Triplett, claimed she was raped in broad daylight on the campus of the University of California-Santa Cruz. In truth, she had placed an abuser-wanted advertisement on Craigslist, soliciting a person to “punch, kick, and bruise her in exchange for sex.”

The Triplett case may have inspired a North Dakota woman to place a similar ad.

On March 24, Mary Kate Gullickson, a student at North Dakota State University, ran a solicitation on Craigslist seeking a man to abduct and assault her to satisfy a “rape fantasy.” Four days later Gullickson pleaded guilty to providing false information to a police officer. In addition to supervised probation, she was ordered to pay restitution to cover the cost of investigating the bogus rape claim.

“The DED sex mandate is an example of political correctness run amok,” notes SAVE spokesperson Sheryle Hutter. “Universities should be serve as a wellspring of democratic ideals, not the playground for totalitarian fantasies.”

Thirteen organizations, including the American Association of University Professors, have called for repeal of the DED directive:

Stop Abusive and Violent Environments is a victim-advocacy organization working for evidence-based solutions to domestic violence and sexual assault:

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