'Many American White Men Worship Guns Because of Sexual Insecurity, Entitlement, and Profit'

Article here. Excerpt:

'You won't find anyone willing to dare say it much in the media, but a good percentage of the white men who oppose gun control of any sort – and who back measures that would even allow alleged terrorists and straw purchases for drug dealers to buy guns – are just afraid that without their guns, their phallic power will be reduced to size.

You can feel at least temporarily reassured when a long-barreled assault weapon compensates for just another average manhood; it's an irresistable testosterone high to the beleaguered white male.
We're talking about a dying patriarchy making a last stand with the ownership and brandishing of weapons that provide the semblance of ultimate power over life and death.'

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... she's empowered. If a man (whites only, mind you) wants to, he's a phallocentric patriarchal downpressorman.

Now I get it.

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