Rhonda Eisenberg, ex-teacher, allowed to write former student whose child she bore

Article here. Excerpt:

'In July, we told you about Greeley high school teacher Rhonda Eisenberg's arrest for sexual assault in a case involving what was at the time an underage student.

Eisenberg subsequently pleaded guilty in the matter, and she was sentenced yesterday. But the resolution of the case was complicated by two facts: The student fathered Eisenberg's child, and he's now legally an adult, who a judge will allow to exchange letters with the woman convicted of assaulting him. Photos, video, the original arrest affidavit and more below.
"She continues to work with teenage boys," the note added.
As expected, Eisenberg was given actual time behind bars -- ninety days' worth. She's also required to register as a sex offender and undergo four years of sex-offender intensive supervised probation -- and as reported by CBS4, she didn't gripe about the punishment when addressing the court.'

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