Police Escort Towson President as She Announces Decision to Cut Men’s Soccer and Baseball

Article here. Excerpt:

'Following in the footsteps of many other universities that have been struggling financially, Towson University president Maravene Loeschke announced on Friday morning that the school would no longer have a baseball or men’s soccer team. The decision came as a surprise to many athletes who were given only a mere hour’s notice of the speech to be given by Loeschke concerning the sports cuts.

The Baltimore Sun‘s description of the whole scene is rather outrageous. Apparently Loeschke was escorted by “several police officers” to the meeting with both teams, which lasted only a few minutes according to players present. And, as Loeschke left, an additional 10 officers proceeded to surround her.'

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Those nasty, awful... baseball and soccer players... may well have risen up in an enraged testosterone-fuelled act of misogynistic violent vengeance against a frail, helpless, terrified little 6-figure-salaried woman who needed at least 10 big, burly, armed men to protect her from the evil, hair-trigger angry misogynistic MALE baseball and soccer players.

Yes, as the article author says, it may well have been a necessary precaution. After all, MALE players of collegiate athletic teams have a long history of becoming vengefully violent when they've been told their team has been dropped due to Title IX. Or any other reason.


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