ACFC: "Exposed: Mass Discrimination"

In case you hadn't heard, ACFC has started releasing its newsletter again. You can sign up for it on their home page. Following is an excerpt from the current newsletter's headline item:

'Every once in awhile in the murky world of family law a light appears offering a glimmer of hope.   On the flip side, Grandpa used to say: “Just make sure the light at the end of that tunnel isn’t a train.” 
Divorced father and ACFC supporter, Terry Brennan, arrived recently bearing such a light.   Part of the last few weeks have been spent reviewing whether Terry’s light is indeed a glimmer of hope or a train wreck in the making. 
So what has Terry offered as a public service to the people of the great state of Massachusetts, and more importantly, why should anyone care?  Very simply, Terry has spent the last six months quietly collecting data from officials around the state on the workings of the Massachusetts Probate and Family Courts.  He has now assembled that data and released the first three volumes of what is likely an eight volume collection.  The subject matter of the three volumes are; I) Guardian Ad Litems, 2) Perjury and 3) Inmates. (these are large files, may take time to download)'

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