Meet the Man’s-Man Mayor Who’s Trying to End Domestic Abuse

Story here. Excerpt:

'You don’t need a Y chromosome to know Mike Rawlings is a man’s man. Before he became mayor of Dallas in 2011, he was the top executive at Pizza Hut and, before that, an athlete. He has a full of head of gray hair and a voice like Jeff Daniels. When he talks, he relies heavily on sports metaphors. None of this should make his anti-domestic-violence activism surprising, but it might make him the movement’s most refreshing new spokesman.

Last month, Rawlings firmly requested the presence of 10,000 Dallas men — Boy Scouts welcome, too — at City Hall on March 23, to show their solidarity for his just-announced Men Against Abuse campaign. “I decided to call out the men of Dallas,” Rawlings told the Cut. “I said, this is not a women’s issue, this is a men’s issue. Eighty-five, 90 percent of domestic violence is men on women.”'

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