Dianne Feinstein, PTSD, and PMS: Should radical feminists own guns?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feinstein even stated that military veterans should not be exempt from the gun ban because of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The Senator posits that all militar personnel suffer from PTSD making all fun owning veterans a risk.
Let’s turn the tables and use language that Feinstein and other do-gooder liberals can actually understand. Replace “veteran men” with “feminist women.” Now replace “PTSD” with “PMS.”

Should we use the PMS, vs. PTSD as our qualifier, the gun ban should be extended to anybody suffering Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. After all, painting all women with a broad brush means that all women are too crazy, hysterical, and irrational to be allowed anywhere near a firearm.

See how ridiculous that sounds? But if we accept the PMS vs. PTSD argument, if the National Organization for Women had guns, one bad PMS episode could lead to a violent March on Washington that would result in dead men scattered around the city (as opposed to the normal weekly violence there).'

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