21st century man: lost and anachronistic

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men, some say, are in trouble. They're stupid, they lack ambition, they're depressed, they're killing each other and they're increasingly alienated from their children. In popular culture, idiots and Peter Pans are celebrated, from the degenerate buffoonery of the The Hangover gang to Charlie Sheen's uber-douche bag on Two and A Half Men. While women have made incredible strides in the past 50 years, substantially reshaping the expectations of their gender, men have wallowed in their own cliches.

Males are increasingly becoming second-class citizens in education, with boys falling behind girls both in participation and literacy, while the gap between the genders in tertiary study completion is growing. In 2009 in Australia, 77 per cent of all suicides were males, while they also accounted for 71 per cent of murder victims. And according to a 2010 Family Court report based on almost 4000 cases, fathers were awarded the most time with their children in only 18 per cent of litigations; in instances when the parents came to an earlier agreement, that number fell to 9 per cent.'

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Stupid? Yes, loads of stupid men have accidentally invented such things as airplanes, mathematics, the microchip, and anything modern or reasonably complex you can think of. It was an accident, though. Men are really just stupid, but accidentally did all that.

Lack ambition? Really? Ban Ki-Moon lacked ambition? Barack Obama lacked ambition? Do I need to go on?

Depressed? Well there, you might be on to something. Men have increasingly high rates of depression, true. But when they're villified by the press, their own governments, the schools they attend, and often by the women in their lives, well sure, that I can see.

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