Has Swedish feminism gone too far?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ann Helena Rudberg joined the feminist movement in the 1970s, to fight for women’s rights because she saw her mother suffer violence at home. Today she argues women have equal rights and that feminist political parties are taking things too far.

Rudberg said: “It’s a power struggle between men and women. And the effect of that is that on one side we have women and on the other side men. And this is not good for the children or for anyone.”

At a school in Stockholm named ‘Egalia’, teaching gender equality is a priority. Boys and girls are encouraged not to be limited by stereotypical roles or games. And since last year, there is a new word in the Swedish dictionary: “hen”, which is a neutral pronoun for “he” or “she”. Not everyone agrees about that.

School director Lotta Rajalin said: “They think we are going to change girls to boys and boys to girls and that’s of course not what we are doing. We like to give every human being the same rights, the same possibilities, the same responsibilities. And that is a question of democracy.”'

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"Taking things too far".

I've noticed that it tends to happen-- not always, not all of them, but many of them-- feminists who crest the 50th birthday mark-- look around and notice that the grandchildren are not forthcoming. They wonder, hmm, maybe this encouraging our daughters and granddaughters to forego kids for career costs us something. "Us" meaning the aging feminists, that is. Now that they think there's something they are missing out on as a consequence of feminism, they are now second-guessing themselves. Well, only insofar as it might interfere with their daughters having kids. But the other stuff-- the other feminist ideology-- that's still OK. Men are bad, etc. All that's still fine.

In this particular case, she thinks it's gone too far in that boys are being taught (if not forced) to pee sitting down. Oh yes, I agree with her, it's abusive and just plain bizarre. Feminists are control-freaks, among other things. They really won't be happy until every corner of people's lives are available for their scrutiny, judgment, and "adjustment". Sweden is just one place where they are seeing their Grand Dream come ever-closer to reality.

But as for Ms. Rudberg, well, now that she has shown her "lack of loyalty to the cause," she's toast. She will, unless she gets back on the "right page" quickly enough, undoubtedly find she meets the same fate as other feminists who realized a bit late who they had actually gotten involved with (some names: Erin Pizzey, Warren Farrell), and then made decisions accordingly. One nice thing about the way feminists will immediately turn on anyone within their camp who does not toe the line is that it exposes the true nature of the character of feminists to those who had the temerity to say "Hey, wait a sec, that isn't the idea, is it? Isn't this about equality?" The answer is uniformly "Destroy the blasphemer!" and out the door they're sent.

Aside from "family courts," perhaps the best way currently for creating new MRAs and FRAs is feminists themselves.

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