SAVE: Thank Eric Holder for his Statement on VAWA's Inclusion

It makes me happy to bring you good news.  
The Violence Against Women Act that passed out of the House, and is expected to be signed into law by President Obama today, covers every victim. Yay!  
In the words of Attorney General Eric Holder, "I applaud Congress for passing a bipartisan reauthorization that protects everyone - women and men, gay and straight, children and adults of all races, ethnicities, countries of origin, and tribal affiliations."  
SAVE has documented widespread discriminatory practices against male, lesbian/gay, and immigrant victims of abuse. So, even though we didn't get everything we wanted in this reauthorization of VAWA, we are celebrating the inclusion of all victims.

Please join us in thanking Eric Holder for his bold statement on VAWA inclusion:    
Phone: 202-353-1555  
Learn more. Then visit our Facebook page and share your thoughts. Or tweet @saveservicesorg.

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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SAVE also had a P/R on this topic, here.

Now the question is: From a practical program-availability, law-enforcing, etc. standpoint, will men get anything like the same treatment and services that women get? Will have to wait 'n see I guess.

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