IA: Stand with Intact America on May 4 in New Orleans at Annual ACOG Convention

Article here. Excerpt:

'Intact America will be sponsoring a sidewalk demonstration in New Orleans on Saturday, May 4, 2013, at the annual convention of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)—the largest assemblage of baby-cutters under one roof. During this one-day event, we will be protesting the role of obstetricians in perpetrating circumcision in American hospitals.

Will you join us? The more protesters, the merrier! We’ll supply placards and handouts. Or bring your own posters if you are representing another intactivist organization. Want to wear an Intact America T-shirt to show your support? Visit our online store for shirts, baseball caps, hoodies, bumper stickers, car magnets, pins, and more.'

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