Salon asks "Why are men so foolish?"

This article is actually pretty interesting and discusses some new research on generalities around men's and women's styles regarding such things as risk-taking. But what's wrong with the article? The title. Why does it have to be categorically insulting the way it is? We already know the answer. Excerpt:

'Many recent findings in scientific research reveal gender differences - differences in when they choose to compete, differences in risk taking during competition, different responses to the stress of competition, and different strategies for dealing with that stress. Men are quicker to bond with teammates; women are more willing to befriend competitors. Women are less rattled by being ranked, especially when that ranking isn't near the top. Men are overconfident of their abilities, while women underattribute success to their own skills. Men get more competitive under time pressure, while women get less competitive under time pressure. Men rate their teammates and competitors lower in ability; women rate them higher.'

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