From Drone Strike Policy to Campus Rape Awareness Campaigns: Musings on Male Culpability in the 21st Century

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Tuesday, Feb. 19, two Nexus articles caught my eye. The first was titled “Campus, Community Groups Run Campaign Against Sexual Assault.” The second was a “Left Said” opinion piece on drone strikes. Although these two articles seem unrelated at first glance, a closer examination reveals a subtle and worrisome theme tying the two together.

In “Left Said,” Michael Dean wrote an article critical of American drone strikes in foreign countries. He criticized the racism implicit in our drone policy which allows the government to “reduce” the civilian death toll by writing off “combatants” as all young men killed by drones “who fit a certain phenotype” (i.e. who are Arabs).

But while Dean and others have pointed out the unwritten racism of such a policy, they fail to point out the written misandry. U.S. policy lists young men as combatants. Imagine, if you will, what would happen if it were to become known that U.S. policy called for killing women of military age. People would riot in the streets and drone strikes would be halted tomorrow.'

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