Muslim intactivism

Sometimes MRAs (those who support intactivism, anyway) or intactivists are branded as anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish for this reason. Well if this is true, I suppose we're also anti-Muslim and anti-medical-establishment, too. May as well say we're anti-everyone! But this is hogwash, nothing more than an attempt to place intactivists on the defensive and cast aspersions on our motivations. Our motivations are not anti-anything; they're pro-human rights. In any case, Islam has its intactivists, too. Just Google "Muslim intactivism" and you'll see Islam has its intactivists. One such page discussing it is here. Intactivists come from all backgrounds, religions, and sexes. No amount of red herring accusations will stop us. Excerpt:

'"In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful!"

That invocation itself is a good argument not to circumcise: what could be less compassionate or merciful than to hold a boy down and cut off his most intimate part?

Muslims are the largest single group in the world who circumcise boys. An Intactivist website would be lacking if it said nothing against this variety of the practice. Ideally, opposition to Islamic circumcison must begin within Islam itself. The problem is where to start and how to proceed, when it is so entrenched, and the Islamic Intactivist movement is so tiny.

The Qur'an does not mention circumcision.

The main reason given for Islamic circumcision is (ritual) cleanliness. Against this it is hard to argue, except to point out that there is no more reason for the male genitalia to be ritually unclean than the female.'

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