Florida Woman Arrested After Genital Kicking Spree

Story here. Excerpt:

'When the Manatee County Sheriff’s office got the call that a woman was standing on a street in broad daylight kicking strangers in the genitals, reports the Miami Herald, they sent an undoubtedly unlucky deputy to investigate.

When the deputy found a woman who matched the description of wearing red pants and braids, he called for her to come towards him. Instead the woman, now identified as Katina Jane Collins, ran for it. As the deputy gave chase, Collins allegedly stopped in her tracks and punched the officer in the face, knocking his sunglasses off. The deputy was able to get Collins on the ground and in handcuffs, despite her alleged attempts to scratch the deputy while he handcuffed her, the report said.'

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Bet that'll be the outcome. And notice the story mentions only that "people" were getting kicked in the genitalia. Was she kicking women, too? Doubt it.

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... harsher treatment for pinching women's bottoms on the train (for example). It's about time we classified "groin shots" as a form of violent sexual assault.

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