Violence Against Women Act ignores reality

Letter here. The letter starts about halfway down the page. Excerpt:

'Beyond fraud, waste, duplication, non-accountability, false accusations and the denial of civil rights, the blatantly obvious problem with the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is that women constitute only about half of the true victims of domestic violence. The other half is made up of men, and they receive absolutely zero protections and services from Sen. Patrick Leahy’s (D-Vt.) VAWA reauthorization (“Senate passes VAWA reauthorization,” Feb. 12).
Decades of consistently replicated social science research shows that domestic violence is initiated about equally by men and women; that slightly more women than men are physically harmed, but that men nonetheless represent more than 40 percent of the physically harmed victims; that the domestic violence initiation rates for women, and especially young women, have been rising; and that the domestic violence rates for bisexuals, gays and lesbians all are higher than for heterosexual couples.'

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