"Women Lose Interest in Career after Being in Power at Home"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Being in power at home reduces a woman's desire to achieve success at workplace, says a new study.

The study from University of California, Berkeley, however found that while women may lose interest and energy after taking care of home, men still pursued career goals even if they were managing home.

"It appears that being in charge of household decisions may bring a semblance of power to women's traditional role, to the point where women may have less desire to push against the obstacles to achieving additional power outside the home," said Serena Chen from UC Berkeley, a co-author of the study.

Even now, women are mostly in charge of managing home and taking care of the children. Researchers say that this arrangement has an impact on the woman's ability and desire to aspire for success at workplace.'

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I've known a few women at work or who work other places who never come back after having a kid. Maybe they return to the workforce after the kid(s) get old enough to be "latch-key kids", maybe not. But I have noticed most female sr. executives are mothers of 1+ children and usually have worked virtually uninterrupted through having their child/ren.

I guess it's like anything else: How bad do you want it? Mistress of the Home or Mistress of the Corporation? There's only so many hours in a day. Men have never "had it all" if they've been at the office the amt. of time it typically requires to fulfill the duties of an executive or other professional who has to just plain be there for long hours. It's all that time dad's spent at work that's allowed mom to stay home with the kids (and complain about it, then take him to the cleaners in the divorce, etc.)

No wonder so many women decide (with husbands paying for their "choice" to be "homemakers") to check out of the job market after having 1+ kids. She gets to be mistress of the home, is lined up to clean up if "things just don't work out," and she'll always have the kids since she's the "primary caregiver". Not a bad gig!

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