F&F: Shared Parenting Legislation Submitted in Nebraska

Article here. Excerpt:

'There’s a widespread belief that our family law system is biased and unfair to fathers. Almost everyone has heard at least one story about a good, involved father who, through no fault of his own, now sees his children only every-other-weekend — just two days every two weeks. Are these stories typical or outliers?

Voices for Children reports there were 3,465 Nebraska divorces involving children during 2010. The mother received custody in 2,156 cases (62.2%), the father received custody in 348 (10.0%) and joint custody was ordered in 876 (25.3%).

Other studies also suggest there is a strong pro-mother bias in family court, especially among older judges. According to a survey of judges in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee, 36% of younger judges and 71% of older judges agreed that “mothers are the preferred custodian when children are under the age of 6,” while none of the younger judges and only 1% of the older judges agreed that fathers are the preferred custodian. Another study found that 44% of judges in Maryland, Missouri, Texas, and Washington agreed that custody awards are made “based on the assumption that young children belong with their mothers,” and only 33% of judges believed that courts give fair consideration to fathers.'

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