'The Incredible Shrinking Man'

Article here. Excerpt:

'This past summer I visited a group of teenage boys at a summer camp and gave them some sobering news: If you follow the trend in society, you’re going to end up being sloths and underachievers. And women are going to leave you in their vapor trails.

It’s true, and it’s unmistakable: Female is the new male.

Girls dominate boys in education, from elementary through graduate school. Women are taking over the workforce. Hundreds of formerly male-dominated careers are becoming feminized. More and more wives outearn their husbands. Fathers are fading away inside their own families, and rising illegitimate births and single-parenthood are pushing them out of the child-rearing picture altogether.

Boys and men are passively watching it happen. Many of them, rather than working to stay ahead of or even keep up with women, are responding by waging something of a sit-down strike. They’re playing video games more than 2½ times as much as girls. They’re living with their parents at double the rate of their female peers. They’re dropping out of the labor pool in record numbers.

The result is effectively a reversal of a male-female dynamic that has existed for virtually all of human history.

Feminists may celebrate, but more and more people are recognizing that this trend has come with some steep costs we’re only starting to see. Even women are frustrated with today’s breed of spineless, ambitionless manboys. There is a genuine problem here.'

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The problem is not just that female is the new male. The problem is female is the new male and the old female. She plays both roles. That leaves men without a role to play--they get neither the traditional female role nor the traditional male role.

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Here is your new role as a man. Eat a clean and disciplined, testosterone boosting diet. Join a gym and get into a competition martial art. Stick to your self-discipline until your body looks like Michelangelo's David. While your going through this period of manning up, read no less than 10-15 journal articles or book chapters a week. Keep this "new role" going day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. A few years down the road and you will be a wholly different man. Doing "traditional female chores" (a phrase that really has no meaning in anything but the feminist historical indoctrination construct) is just part of supreme discipline. You must maintain your health and a clean, organized environment to the extent possible. After ten years have gone by you will be a black-belt in a martial art that can punch out a car window. Stave off masturbation to the extent possible. As more and more women start to ogle your chest and biceps like a group of drooling goblin-creatures, you will start to get yours. When you fuck her, do it like a Samurai Lord banging his concubine. And in your quiet moments by yourself, when you reflect on your wealthy, full, happy life of achievement and human excellence, and think on the vast wisdom you have accrued through a life of self-sacrifice and study, know that, somewhere along the way, you became a man.

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