Editorial: Women in combat creates case to abolish the draft

Article here. Excerpt:

'But while this news has been rightly exalted as further evidence of the slow, steady push toward equality for women in American society, we must now consider that women may now be compelled against their will – as well as with it – to serve and fight in the armed forces should the draft be instituted again in response to some future military conflict. Given the recent frequency of and future prospects for foreign embroilment's, the possibility that America’s standing army may be insufficient to meet its needs is a real one, and the extra burden ought to be shared equally – or not at all. That is why, since fairness now demands that men and women both register for the draft if they are to carry out equal military roles, now is an opportune time to reconsider the necessity of having a draft at all. If the military can be made appealing enough as a career option for people of all identities and backgrounds, the draft would not be necessary. Much remains to be done – sexual harassment, suicide and mental health remain serious stumbling blocks for the military – but we can be encouraged that the work of making the military more inviting and appealing is moving well ahead.'

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... nothing vis-a-vis the draft registration reqts will change. Things will stay EXACTLY as they have always been. No change *any* time soon.

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If feminists will try playing the "my body, my choice" card.

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