NYPD Cop's Widow Says Husband Driven to Suicide by Boss' Sexual Advances

Story here. Excerpt:

'JACKSON HEIGHTS — A married NYPD cop killed himself last year because his frisky female supervisor repeatedly pressured him to have sex or face a bad work schedule, a new lawsuit charges.

The widow of veteran officer Matthew Schindler is suing the police department and Sgt. Christine Hertzel, claiming his Feb. 13, 2012, suicide was brought on by sexual harassment at his job at the 115th Precinct.

The lawsuit, filed Jan. 22 in Queens Supreme Court, alleges a despondent Schindler, 39, shot himself with his service handgun on the way from work to his Long Island home after telling Hertzel to keep her hands off him.

It adds that he told Hertzel her unrelenting advances had left him depressed, but she refused to let up.'

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