"Identity Thief" actress wallops co-star, feels no apologies necessary

Story here. Seriously, what a nasty person. And of course, were the sexes reversed, not only would the plot not include him walloping her, but if it had, he would have apologized profusely. Instead, she taunts him about it with a "memento" reminding him of her assault. And of course, the story reports that the 'he' character shouldn't have even tried to fight back. I'd like to suggest a boycott of this film. Excerpt:

'With his family's financial future on the line, Sandy must track Diana down to bring her to justice and clear his name with the cops and his new boss. When he does find her -- boy, does she fight. So many punches were thrown by McCarthy during filming that she accidentally hit Bateman -- twice! -- and gave him a bloody nose.
Apparently the 42-year-old former Oscar nominee felt no need to apologize, and instead presented a funny present to Bateman after filming was complete. "All I got was a snapshot of a tissue cone up my nose that she took and then gave to me as a wrap gift," he said, adding, "So it wasn’t an apology or anything like that – just a ‘Look what I did! Isn’t this a cute picture!’" McCarthy chimed in, "You look very cute in the picture with Kleenex stuffed up your nose."
In "Identity Thief," Bateman does hit back. But is it ever okay to rough house a woman? "She knows how to hit back. And if she’s lippin’ off, this is what happens. You know – you get thrown down to the hot pavement," the 44-year-old Golden Globe winner joked. McCarthy answered facetiously, "True. I learned my lesson," adding the disclaimer, "American children: asphalt’s hard." She also felt the need to point out that she did, in fact, throw the first punch. Bateman's flimsy justification: "She started it."'

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Probably the best contact form to go to is the "CORPORATE" one. After all, it's all about money. I'd suggest sending them the URL to the story:


and say both the actors' attitudes trivialize violence and promote sexist 2x-standards of violence between the sexes but more importantly, between people generally. Finish by saying you won't be wasting your money on this movie.

Someone once said "all advertising is good advertising". They were wrong.

As for the author of the article (Meriah Doty), I don't see any contact info for her. I doubt Yahoo! Movies would care much what our opinions of her writing style is, but in case you want to, you can always call and politely state you didn't like this author's sexist POV about the whole thing. A Google search turned up these numbers for Yahoo! Customer Care:


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