CA Assembly Rushes to Vote on Sabotaged Paternity Fraud Bill

warble writes "In less than one week, the CA Assembly has moved a mutilated form of the paternity fraud bill from the Committee of Judiciary to the floor and voted. This is unheard of. Normally it takes weeks to get a bill to be voted on and out of the assembly. Worse, there was very little opposition to the original form of AB2240. Yet the Committee of Judiciary amended the bill to accommodate every bogus argument that the opposition presented. They even waited weeks for the opposition to form a weak attack on the original bill. These political tricks and maneuvers demonstrate the power that radical feminists wield in the CA legislature. You can examine the bill and it's history at the following link: AB2240 We will have to organize and move quickly to oppose the amendments in the Senate. No doubt that the opposition has close ties with the feminist there also."

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