In Waging War On Sexist Trolls, Feminists Echo The Victorian Ladies Who Campaigned Against Men's 'Coarse Jests'

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'Again and again, the assumption is made that women - far more so than men or teenage boys - are not cut out for negotiating the often dark, offensive internet. And so they need protecting from it; websites that offend them must be closed, and trolls who troll them must be silenced. Perhaps misogyny-filtering software should be invented to make the web a safer place for women, like that software parents use to protect their children from seeing porn.

The truth is that the internet always has been, and will remain, a place with strange, perverted corners that are best avoided. Men, believe it or not, also know that every time we venture on to the web we're just a few clicks away from violent-minded porn, hateful racism, Holocaust denialism or, in some of our cases, long discussion threads calling us every name under the sun - but we don't freak out and go back to bed; we carry on surfing and chatting, knowing that the virtues of the internet outweigh its ills.'

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