Rejected female applicant to men's college "disappointed" but fine with single-sex women's colleges

Article here. Excerpt:

'A teenage girl who hoped to gain admission to a tiny, all-male, Deep Springs College, has been denied. She has written an essay expounding on her disappointment for The Atlantic.

A legally-binding trust stipulates that the college must remain an all-male institution. The rejected female applicant doesn’t like this. Oddly, however, she has no problem with all-female institutions rejecting men.
The fact of the matter is that young women face a lack of diversity in their higher education. Young men do not pine over all-women schools like Bryn Mawr or Scripps because there are reasonably similar co-educational programs. However, there is not a school like Deep Springs that is available to young women.'

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Women's colleges are fine. Men's aren't. Same sh *t, different day.

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Just like all male clubs are bad, but all female clubs are fine. All-girls teams in schools are fine, but the boys should let the girls play on their's. Asking to see a male doctor because you are uncomfortable with a female is sexist, but you won't find a male technician employed at a mammography clinic, and that's just fine.

The part that gets me is that, no matter how often these double-standards are pointed out, the response from most of society is deafening silence. They just blink, and go right back to telling us that the boys should let the girl attend their college.

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