Women In Combat: A Draft, Military Weakness Next?

Article here. Excerpt:

'It may seem like a stretch to warn that drafting teenage girls is upon us, but consider what happened after President Carter, in the wake of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the Iranian hostage crisis, called for mandatory Selective Service registration for all young men.

As former Investor's Business Daily Washington bureau chief Brian Mitchell pointed out in his 1999 book "Women in the Military: Flirting With Disaster," the legislation Carter sent to Congress the next week "included young women on an equal basis with young men" in Selective Service, because according to Carter "there is no distinction possible ... that would allow me to exclude women from an obligation to register."

Fortunately, Congress — under Democratic control, no less — swiftly squashed the idea of forcing women to register for a potential wartime draft.

On cue, the ACLU and the radical National Organization for Women sued and in 1981, by a frighteningly slim 6-3 majority, the Supreme Court ruled against them, affirming that a men-only draft is not unconstitutional. But when President Obama gets a couple more high court appointments how long will that precedent survive?'

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The article's author's afraid SCOTUS will change their previous ruling on women and the draft. Thus they don't want it to go back before them. I have the exact opposite concerns. As soon as the DoD clarifies its combat roles policies for women, I'd love to see the issue go back to SCOTUS as soon as possible.

But one thing that could happen that needs to be kept in mind: Panetta is a short-timer. Will his successor reverse this "controversial" decision?

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just like the boys.
thats what "equality" means. PERIOD!

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