Jodie Foster 'to tell sons who their father is when they're 21'

Story here. Excerpt:

'The biological father of Jodie Foster's two sons, Charles, 14, and Kit, 12, has never been revealed. However, according to Reverend Beverly Bates, 75, her son Randy Stone was Jodie's best friend and treated them as his own children.

In an interview with MailOnline, Reverend Beverly stopped short of confirming Randy is the kids’ father, while it’s heavily rumoured that's the case.

Randy, a Hollywood producer who passed away in 2007, swore to keep the father's identity a secret, Beverly told the Mail Online.

"Randy told me that Jodie said she'll tell the boys who their father is when they're 21,” Beverly said.'

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So sad that hiding paternity is so commonly accepted, that people feel no shame in publicly admitting to it.

Paternity Deception also goes against the United Nations Act "Rights of the Child" which stipulates that all children have the right to an accurate birth certificate.

I wish there would be more laws in place to promote accurate birth certificates. It should be a crime for a mother (or father) to knowingly put incorrect information about paternity on birth certificates or to withhold information.

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I want accurate birth certificates that reflect the facts of birth. And BCs should not be used as a way to give parental rights. I think a child has a right to know who his biological mother and father are, insofar as that is possible.

If the father is a sperm donor or the mother an egg-donor, the child should know that. One reason: to prevent the child from marrying a half-sibling with the same donor, which has already happened. That would require some kind of code on the certificate so two people could compare donors.

If the child has two "mothers," the birth mother and the biological father should be identified. The social mother should be given rights via another legal mechanism. Again, the child has a right to know his or her biological history.

Hiding paternity is a bad idea that serves the purposes of the mother but not the child.

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'hiding paternity is a bad idea that serves the purposes of the mother but not the child'.

isn't just about everything these crooked courts concoct to serve the purposes of the mothers/women, but not the children/men?

1. pretty much auto-custody to mom in divorce - auto do anything based on arbirtary requirements, like gender, and you will screw up somewhere around 50% of the time
1a. $$ to boot (c.s.) - don't even require $1 to be spent on the children
1b. $$ for alimony (sometimes forever) - ditto
1c. vast majority of $$$ awarded in divorces flows from man to woman

2. no fault divorce - surely one of the big causes for the 50% divorce stat

3. presumptive parentage (married man is auto-baby-dad)

4. false allegations child abuse
5. false allegations d.v.
6. false allegations of rape (spousal, date, whatever)
4, 5 & 6 carry potentially devastating results for a man (for life) and maybe get a slap on the wrist for a woman, MAYBE. lots of men in prison on the whim of a woman.

7. late term abortions (r v. w)

there are (many) more little brother, and they not only serve the whims of any woman, they cause havoc and death in the commission thereof. if any one of these crimes were being perpetrated against any woman the media (pub & dem) would be all over it 24/7 until it was remedied.

root cau$e: abandonment of the precept$ of law of cour$e

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