Ex-Wife Puts Hit on Husband and Now Goes Free

Story here. Canadian woman goes free after putting a hit on her husband. She makes uncorroborated accusations against the victim and the press buys her story without question. Excerpt:

'A battered wife from Nova Scotia who tried to hire a hit man to kill her husband says she was "relieved" when Canada's highest court stayed her case on Friday and is looking forward to putting the ordeal behind her.
Nicole Ryan says she hopes to move on with her life and reconnect with her daughter, whom she has not seen since her trial in 2009.
Earlier in the day, the Supreme Court of Canada overturned Ryan's acquittal but also stayed the case, meaning there will be no retrial and her long legal nightmare is over.

Ryan’s lawyer, Joel Pink, said even though acquittal wasn't upheld, the defence's goals were still achieved.
The Nova Scotia Supreme Court had acquitted Ryan in 2009 on charges of counselling to commit murder after she claimed duress under the so-called battered woman's defence. That decision was then upheld by the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal, but prosecutors pursued the case all the way to the country's highest court.

The Supreme Court ruled Friday the defence’s duress argument was incorrect, and therefore Ryan’s earlier acquittal couldn't stand.
Madam Justice Bertha Wilson, at the time, said the "imminence" requirement makes sense in most cases, but special circumstances are at plan when it comes to abused women. Though Rust was walking away from Lavallee when she shot him, the years of abuse and expectation of violence that Lavallee had could be likened to the threat of an upraised knife or a pointed gun.'

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Buried in the comments for this story is the husband's side of the story: http://stephenkimber.com/2010/05/the-teacher-the-hit-man-and-the-questions-that-remain

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Ex husband disputes all allegations and points out that the prosecutor never called him as a witness. http://www.ctvnews.ca/ex-husband-of-woman-in-hit-man-case-amazed-by-scc-ruling-1.1120923

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