America's schools being feminized?

Article here. Excerpt:

'ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: You do it all the time.

I completely agree with you. There was a report, I think it was in 1990, that said that women were short changed, particularly young girls in school, so there was an overcompensation with little girls. Now you see little girls graduating disproportionately from college, they're getting higher test scores. Little boys are being diagnosed with the learning disorders, like ADD, more in boys.

So, I think it's the young boys -- you're right, Bob -- that are getting left behind. But just in society, it's being catered to women. Women are the ones who are buying products. The movies, we go from Charleston Heston to Seth Rogen. The whole culture is being feminized in my opinion.

BECKEL: What do you think?

GUILFOYLE: I totally agree. I see it in schools and I see it in Ronan's classes. Let boys be boys. They want to play rough, don't try to overmedicate them and turn them in to girls. They're boys. There are differences in genders, embrace them, celebrate them.'

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