UK: 'Women can have it all - but only if their man pulls his weight around the house'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women can have it all – but only if they are prepared to sacrifice some of their power in the home, psychologists believe.

Research suggests that if a woman runs her household without any help, she has less interest in scaling the career ladder.

But the reason for this is not quite what you might expect, such as being too tired.

According to experts, the satisfaction of being in charge of day-to-day domestic tasks leaves mothers with less of a thirst for success at work.

If she were indeed to ‘have it all’ – a phrase coined by the late Cosmopolitan magazine editor Helen Gurley Brown to mean women can have a family life, a love life and a career – she would need to prepared to carve up some of the home decisions with her spouse, a study suggests.

This would free up some of her career drive and enable work success.

Experts from the University of California explained: ‘It appears being in charge of household decisions may bring some semblance of power to a woman’s traditional role, to the point where women may have less of a desire to push against the obstacles to achieving additional power outside home.’

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