The Delhi rape is being used to demonise Indian men

Article here. Excerpt:

Almost as soon as it was announced that the still unnamed rape victim had died, Western observers rushed to condemn all of India. In The Times, Libby Purves skated on very thin ice when she decreed that "murderous, hyena-like male contempt is a norm [in India]". Echoing those Victorian ladies who visited faraway continents and were shocked by the sexual depravity of foreign menfolk, Purves claimed that in the subcontinent "sexual harassment and assault" are looked upon as a "male birthright", especially in Delhi, where there are "tens of thousands of newly urbanised [men], from villages still almost medieval". Other female columnists have used the Delhi rape case to riff about the time they were propositioned or felt up by men in India, as if unwanted sexual attention and the most horrific gang rape you could imagine are just different sides of the same coin of "macho culture"; as if there is not a profound difference between experiencing a come-on from an over-eager Indian male and suffering an extreme violent assault on a bus.

A handful of observers have challenged the sweeping demonisation of India and its people in the wake of the Delhi rape – but strikingly they have done so on the basis that we in the West are just as rapacious as the "hyena-like" men of the subcontinent. In the past, progressives would have critiqued the heaping of collective guilt on to foreign nations on the basis that it was inhumane and inaccurate; now they critique it on the basis that rape is not just "a cultural phenomenon in India", but is "endemic everywhere", with verbal or violent misogyny "happening all around us", including in civilised countries like Britain. In other words, it isn't just Indian men who are hyenas – all men are. This is one of the most shocking things about the Delhi rape case – the fact that so many observers aren't especially shocked by it, either because they expect animalistic Indian men to behave like this, or because they view all men, if not all of humanity itself, as capable of such despicable evil.'

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