SAVE: Tell Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden: Expunge Gordon Smith's Arrest Record

Father of two, Gordon Smith was the victim of 14 false police reports by his ex-wife Tiffany Marie Smith of Dover, Delaware. Mr. Smith was falsely arrested nine times for various domestic violence charges, one terrifying time at gunpoint.

Tiffany Smith was caught in her web of deception last September after she cut herself and lay in a ditch, accusing Mr. Smith of attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon. Police used Gordon's electronic device to confirm that he was nowhere near Tiffany at the time, and Tiffany was finally arrested.

Unfortunately, Gordon Smith's arrest record was never expunged. These records will be available to any and all future potential employers. So Tiffany's rein of terror continues.

Today I'm asking you to contact Delaware Attorney General Joseph "Beau" Biden, lll. Tell him: "Expunge Gordon Smith's arrest record!"

Beau Biden Contact Info
(302) 577-8500

Gordon is the Delaware Coordinator for our Domestic Violence Legislative Project (DVLP). Not only does he want to encourage others who have been falsely accused to join the DVLP, he wants to invite you to a public hearing. This is what he had to say:

"On Thursday, Jan 17, 2013 the Delaware Family Law Commission will have its annual Public Hearing in Legislative Hall located in Dover. This is an opportunity for citizens of Delaware to share their thoughts regarding the domestic violence policies of the state. SAVE's Delaware chapter of the Domestic Violence Legislative Project will be actively participating in this event."   
So join Gordon at the hearing if you can, join the DVLP if you want to become more active in reform, and make the call to Beau.

Thank you all for your dedication,
Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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