Dept. of Health & Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) recruiting Auditors

Link here. Reports published by the OIG have been very useful in gaining insight into U.S. government agencies that incentivise circumcision and circumcision "research" (such as the CDC, FDA, NIAID and NIH), and in documenting the deficiencies in state Medicaid programs to help strengthen the case against continued funding of medically-unnecessary circumcision, so appropriately qualified readers might appreciate the opportunity to gain further insights and help hold these agencies and programs accountable.

If anyone should happen to be successful in landing one of these vacancies, it would be greatly appreciated if they could donate a certain percentage of net income (maybe 5%-10%) to an anti-circumcision organisation/s in the U.S. (or if you're not confident in donating the money, invest a similar amount in your own anti-circumcision activities).


'As an auditor for the Office of Inspector General, you can save the American taxpayer millions of dollars each year. Over the past 10 years, the Office of Audit Services (OAS) has saved taxpayers $95 billion.

As an auditor, you will help to prevent and detect fraud and abuse in the programs and operations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS); identify systemic weaknesses; advise the Secretary and Congress about problems and deficiencies; and recommend improvements in costs, efficiency, and effectiveness.
We conduct and supervise audits of:

Medicare and Medicaid
Public Health Services
Food and Drug Administration
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institutes of Health
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
Foster Care
Child Support
Head Start'

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