UK: Teen murdered over false rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'Four killers carried out the “extraordinarily callous, violent and brutal” murder of a Harold Hill teenager after the sister of one wrongly claimed he had raped her, a court heard today (Tuesday).

Luke Harwood, 18, was punched and kicked to death by the gang, from Romford, who planned to slice off his fingers and pull out his teeth so the body could not be identified, the Old Bailey was told.

The victim had the misfortune to move into a council house in Crow Lane, where the gang all lived when Alice Hall - who made the false allegation - was there, the jury heard.
The victim, who was 5ft 7ins tall and weighed just seven stone, was taken to a stream where he was finished off on the bank, the court was told.
“His facial skeleton was crushed. They then concealed his body by covering it with a mattress and other items,” Mr Denison said.

The following evening the alleged killers returned to the scene.

“They had with them knives and a pair of wire cutters, items they were intending to use to mutilate his body by cutting off his fingers and removing his teeth, doing so to make it more difficult for him to be recognised,” said Mr Denison.'

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