F&F: Report Shows Mothers Control Fathers’ Access to Children

Article here. Excerpt:

'...From the simple fact of breaking up with a man and not informing him of the existence of his child or, if he learns of it somehow, saying it’s another man’s, to surreptitiously placing the child for adoption, to refusing or limiting his visitation, to child abduction, to false claims of abuse, to maternal gatekeeping, to parental alienation, mothers maintain all but complete power over a father’s ability to have a relationship with his child and, of course, the child’s ability to have one with its father.
Needless to say a society like ours that comes between its fathers and their children is a society that is asking for trouble.  It’s a society that is begging for more crime, more drug and alcohol abuse, more unemployment, and the like.  As I say so often, someone should inform our legislatures and judges.  Everyone knows but them.'

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