Kansas demands that sperm donor pay child support

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Kansas man who donated sperm to a lesbian couple three years ago is fighting the state’s demand that he pay child support.

The two women raising the 3-year-old girl say they support the man, who responded to an ad they posted on the Craigslist website in 2009, the Topeka Capital-Journal reported.

The issue of child support arose when the two women broke up, and the couple applied for state services. Workers at the Kansas Department for Children and Families demanded the donor’s name and then filed a child-support claim against him, the newspaper said.

Angela Bauer, one of the mothers, told the Capital-Journal that she and her former partner, Jennifer Schreiner, support the donor, William Marotta, “in whatever action he wants to go forward with” to fight the state's demand.'

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It doesn't matter what agreement you had with the mother or anyone else, such as her partner. All the state cares abt. is if you're the bio. father. It only recognizes a lapse in the father's obligations if he donated through a licensed sperm bank and even then, if his identity is disclosed there have been cases where he's been pursued for c/s.

Rule #1 for men seeking to avoid c/s payments: Do not reproduce. Still, it doesn't guarantee someone won't *try* to come after you for them, but it really reduces the chances.

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