Afghan Policewoman Kills US Adviser In Kabul

Story here. Excerpt:

'KABUL, Afghanistan — An Afghan policewoman walked into a high-security compound in Kabul Monday and killed an American contractor with a single bullet to the chest, the first such shooting by a woman in a spate of insider attacks by Afghans against their foreign allies.

Afghan officials who provided details identified the attacker as police Sgt. Nargas, a mother of four with a clean record. The shooting was outside the police headquarters in a walled compound which houses the governor's office, courts and a prison in the heart of the capital.

A police official said she was able to enter the compound armed because she was licensed to carry a weapon as a police officer.
The fact that a woman was behind the assault shocked some Afghans.

"I was very shaken when I heard the news," said Nasrullah Sadeqizada, an independent member of Parliament. "This is the first female to carry out such an attack. It is very surprising and sad," he added, calling for more careful screening of all candidates, male and female, for the police force.'

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Afghan police are with regularity killing US trainers and advisers. Why would one think that simply because an Afghan police officer is female that she would or could not also do so? Guns are, unfortunately, far too easy to use. There is no innate 'gender test' for using a gun. There is no IQ test; loading and aiming a firearm requires very little brains and these activities do not require one to be in possession of a penis. Finally, pulling the trigger does not require any qualification around gender, brains, or criminal intent. Guns are devices that are easy to use that are designed to maim and kill.

With all that in mind, imagine having a lot of such devices in a place where there is a lot of conflict, hostility, and violence. What do you think will happen?

It doesn't matter the sex of the possessor of the firearm. What matters is their intent for its use, tied to the motivation of the gun's possessor. Anyone can have a murderous intent, and with a gun, use it to realize that intent. The person can be sane, or not. But gender has NOTHING to do with anything.

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