Male circumcision: Let there be no more tragedies like baby Goodluck

Article here. Excerpt:

'He was born in Chadderton, Greater Manchester, in March 2010. His parents, filled with the joy, hope and optimism of new parenthood, named him Goodluck. When he was only 27 days old, a midwife called Grace Adeyele accepted £100 to hack at his tiny penis with a pair of scissors. The baby screamed so loud his mother had to look away. Adeyele dabbed the ragged wound with olive oil, dressed it with a small bandage and left him to bleed. He died the next day from his wounds. As if the short life and tragic death of Goodluck Caubergs is not shocking enough, consider that his case is not unique. Earlier this year an inquest in London recorded a verdict of accidental death, having heard how Angelo Ofori-Mintah died after being circumcised at home. The rabbi faced no charges.'

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