'Will women-only clubs catch on in macho Spain? '

Article here. Excerpt:

'In London a friend was waxing lyrical about the new spate of women-only clubs and restaurants that seem to have taken the Capital by storm. There’s Grace Belgravia, a new spa cum social club, The Sorority club in Holborn, STK, a female friendly American steak chain, Dea Latis, a beer tasting club and soon actress Eva Longoria will be launching the London branch of her She steak restaurant group. Miu Miu created a pop-up club exclusively for women at the Café Royal last month and PR guru Lynne Franks is the face of B.Hive which offers meeting rooms and business lounges for female members.
Some female lawyers in Palma shrugged off the idea of women’s clubs and restaurants. They felt that it created better harmony in the workplace to socialise with male colleagues and didn’t like the idea of unnecessary barriers between the sexes. Much as they conceded that the macho spirit was alive and well in Spain, none believed that creating such haunts would do much to diminish it. If anything, they commented wryly, women-only zones might indeed help to fan the macho flames.'

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