State Department: "RT Girls! Program" Launch at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology

Link here. Excerpt:

'Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Tara Sonenshine and Acting Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Rose Gottemoeller will co-launch the “RT Girls! Program” at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology on Wednesday, December 19 at 2:00 p.m. The “RT Girls! Program” is designed to encourage girls to pursue studies and careers in the science, technology, engineering and mathematic (STEM) and international security fields, public diplomacy, and other sectors with technology applications. The program will have subsequent outreach activities in high schools around the DC metro area with the eventual goals of expanding internationally.

During their visit to Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology, the Under Secretaries will speak to 40-50 girls about their educational and professional experiences, learn about students’ STEM-related projects, share career possibilities in related fields, and participate in a Q&A session.

Empowering women and girls in STEM is a priority for the Obama Administration.'

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