Ken Burns: Duke Lacrosse Team 'Mildly Inconvenienced' by False Rape Charges

Article here. Excerpt:

'Burns brought up the 2006 Duke Lacrosse case, in which three students were accused of sexually assaulting a stripper, during an interview with The Phoenix in Boston:

In the same issue as your interview we are also running a profile of Damien Echols. What are the similarities and differences between this case and that of the West Memphis Three?

[Burns] Basically both are instances where society deems someone an "other" and treats them as such, contrary to the actual facts of the case. And you can also compare the Central Park Five to the Duke University lacrosse players, three rich white boys who were mildly inconvenienced by rape charges that proved to be false. In no time the prosecutor of that case was fired, disbarred, and put in jail, and the three ended up getting a huge settlement.'

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