Could women really have solved the fiscal cliff?

Article here. Excerpt:

'If women were running the show, this whole fiscal cliff thing would be solved.

That was the essential message that came from Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and that was greeted with nodding approval by the female senators of the 113th Congress in an interview with Diane Sawyer taped Tuesday. Collins shared that “I think if we were in charge of the Senate and of the administration, that we would have a budget deal by now.” She went on to say that “what I find is, with all due deference to our male colleagues, that women’s styles tend to be more collaborative.”

But would they really? Research doesn’t wholly support it.
Still, the differences between male and female leadership styles are actually pretty small. And often, our image of women as collaborators—making peace between everyone from warring colleagues to squabbling toddlers—doesn’t actually come from our experience with how women behave when they’re placed in top leadership roles. For instance, writes leadership professor Ronald Riggio over at Psychology Today, when women in top jobs are studied, they “seem to exhibit the same sorts of leadership behaviors as their male counterparts.”'

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