'Watering down women on boards quota is not the way to go'

Article here. Excerpt:

'THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION recently approved proposals from justice commissioner Viviane Reding to have women in at least 40% of board positions by 2020. Unfortunately, following fierce opposition from a number of member states, including the UK, the proposals have been watered down and will not address the unconscious and political bias which blocks the progress of a pool of talented and aspiring senior women executives.

The proposals approved by the European Commission will require member states to put in place measures designed to ensure women hold 40% of non-executive board positions by 2020. These apply only to large listed companies and the proposal is for a common objective, rather than prescriptive regulations and sanctions.

In my view, this is an opportunity missed to address the discrimination inherent in our boards and the appointments process by implementing temporary compulsory gender quotas. Self-regulation has not worked and the current proposals allow member states and their large corporates to continue to pay lip service to the proven business case for diversity on boards.'

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