Affirmative action is sexism and misandry

Article here. Excerpt:

'Affirmative action on behalf of women is a form of misandry. I know this comment will provoke shrieks of outrage from the sisterhood, and I am not sure what the current definition of misandry is in the Macquarie Dictionary. However, although Wikipedia defines misandry as the hatred or dislike of men or boys, I am confident the Macquarie Dictionary can define it down as "indifference to the plight of men and boys", which is the sense in which I am using the word.

I am increasingly irritated by pompous statements from some of Australia's top chief executives as headlined in The Australian (Business 28/11/12) "Call for targets to get women to the top". These executives include Grant O'Brien from Woolworths, Qantas boss Alan Joyce, Telstra's David Thodey and ANZ's Mike Smith, who have all called for more companies to set targets for promoting women into leadership positions.

What immediately struck me about their statement is that not only does the setting of a target compromise or completely bypass the principle of employment and promotion on merit, but none of these CEO's has offered to give up his own job in favour of a woman. It is some other hapless bloke down the line who will miss out on a job or a promotion to make these CEOs feel good and imagine they are contributing to the enlightenment of the universe.'

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