Saint Kitts and Nevis: Men Can Now Take Women to Court for Child Support

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new Bill passed on Wednesday now gives men the opportunity to take women to court for child maintenance (child support).

The sole female parliamentarian, Minister of Social Services and Gender Affairs, Hon. Marcella Liburd introduced and led the debate on The Maintenance of Children Bill, 2012.

The 33-section Bill states that if a father/male has guardianship/sole custody of a child, he can take the same legal action previously only available to mothers/females, and apply to the court for financial support from the child’s mother/female guardian. It replaces an Act passed in 1920.

“I want to say that unlike what is said out there, mothers can indeed be asked to maintain their children because there situations where the children are in the physical custody of their father or the father’s family,” Minister Liburd said.'

Ed. note: Saint Kitts and Nevis is a country comprised of two islands in the Caribbean. Wikipedia entry here.

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