Carla Bruni: A woman's place is in one of her homes

Article here. Excerpt:

'So her entry into the debate about women’s place in society is likely to raise some eyebrows, whether plucked or au naturel.

The 44-year-old, who was France’s first lady for four years until May, has declared: “We don’t need to be feminist in my generation.” Instead she suggests a woman’s place is in the home with her children.

In an interview for the January issue of Vogue magazine, to be published on Dec 1, she develops her views on the women’s liberation movement, adding: “There are pioneers who opened the breach.

“I’m not at all an active feminist. On the contrary, I’m a bourgeois. I love family life, I love doing the same thing every day.’

Referring to her regular psychoanalysis sessions, Mrs Bruni-Sarkozy said: “I’ve ended up becoming my mother in some respects, despite my eight years of analysis!” Months before becoming President Nicolas Sarkozy’s third wife in 2008, the former supermodel and pop singer said “monogamy bores me” and described herself as a “tamer of men”.'

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I don't know much about her, but it's safe to say that I think if I met her I'd barf on her shoes. It isn't like I would mean to do it. It's that the swirling, contradictory energies of her mental state would probably affect me in such a way as to have me begin to lose my balance, possibly throwing off my inner ear's ability to maintain a sense of space and steadiness, thereby leading to nausea and thus, barfing... on her shoes.

1) "Date" rock stars and other celebrities in a serial fashion
2) Avoid anything like "traditional" roles for what... 44 years?
3) In essence, live in every possible way the least matronly life you can, being the very embodiment of "La Libertine", only to one day state that any given person of your sex ought to be living a "traditional" role of being wife & mother.

OK, so let me get this straight: YOU want to be the new spokeswoman for "Concerned Women for America, French Chapter"?

I am choking on my brie and cabernet-sauvignon even as I write.

It is one thing, Mme. Bruni, to say "I have led an interesting life as a younger woman, but not I feel the time is right for me to settle down and take care of home." That is fine. But to now say that, in essence, women should do that in general, perhaps without first having enjoyed "relationships" with rock stars and high-level politicians, or whatnot, like you did, first-- well, it's very much like the playboy fellow who at 50 "settles down" and goes around chiding other men half his age to do the same. Really, we'd say to such a man, "YOU are speaking for the settle-down-young-man-crowd, sir? Forgive us, but you MUST be having us on!"

Really, Mme. Bruni, if such a message must be delivered, perhaps it's delivered by someone a bit more exemplary of its essence. My own mother, for example. But please, not you. My delicate inner ears can't take it!

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