Anti-Male Caps in Math and Science

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminists who want to limit opportunities for men and boys have long abused Title IX when it comes to college sports. Now we can expect the same assault against men who are interested in math and science. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 requires that schools and colleges receiving federal funding not discriminate “on the basis of sex.” Radical feminists have used this law to abolish hundreds of men’s sports teams, including 500 wrestling teams.

The Obama Administration has announced a new set of policies that would apply Title IX to science, technology, engineering, and math courses. Just as enforcement of Title IX has caused gender quotas on school sports teams, increased enforcement in math and science education will bring us artificial enrollment limits on men. Legal precedents have made it very difficult for school sports teams to comply with Title IX without imposing gender quotas, and it’s unlikely that math and science education will be different.'

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"This shifts the focus from equality of opportunity to equality of results..."

I disagree. It isn't a shift towards equality of results, as the equality of results in area's women do better aren't being targeted, only where men do better. It is shifting from equality of opportunity to a female supremacy. If women don't dominate, something must be done to fix that injustice.

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Even a casual reading of Title IX indicates that the women-dominated courses are way out of compliance, for almost every university and college in the country.
We’re going to have to cut back the number of women in French, English, Nursing, Drama, Art etc. until they match the number of men in those courses.
However, it is probably far too late; men and their lawyers have a good case by now. They’re going to sue the $$$$ out of institutions of higher learning.

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What I would like to see, if Obama does pass something regarding stem fields, is for the government, and not the schools, to be sued. The schools are being bent over a barrel here, with their financing being used as a weapon against them.

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Unis have been fine with Title IX for two reasons: 1) It's way P.C., and 2) It actually saves them $$ by eliminating sports teams that are not generating revenue for them. Notice no one is going near basketball and football on big campuses. And the Title IX mavens know to leave those alone, since indeed, the resistance from the schools would quickly turn legal.

But now to threaten their enrollment $$ - this is a different matter. Point is, now that they have struck the Devil's bargain over sports, what's to stop a judge (or the SC) from saying that the gov't can extend it to the classroom-- the unis should have raised a stink before. After all, if the principle of limiting opportunities based on gender in the name of achieving "gender balance" is fine for sports, why not for academics, too? And I wonder what's next-- similar plans regarding race, religion, etc? The opportunities for litigation are truly endless.

Well if the unis find themselves shafted, really, they have no one but themselves to blame. But ultimately the ones paying the steepest price are the boys who can't go to a college for the major they want simply because they are boys. Some will find ways to cope, do their own thing, learn on their own, but a lot will simply be stuck living at home with aging parents working 2-3 P/T jobs until they're 40. What fun.

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Title IX enforcers (feminists) would never go after football and basketball for another reason, those sports have a high number of African American's.

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... but I have no doubt at all that feminists see men categorically as "the problem", race aside. They see white males as being the most egregious of oppressors, but males in general still oppressors of women, just not quite so terrible. Be assured though, as soon as they have solidified "Woman Powerrrr" enough in various institutions, they'll start going after non-white men also in earnest. "Minority" men are a useful ally, but only insofar as they are needed. They'll be kicked to the curb as soon as feminists think they can get away with it. Remember: it isn't about justice (as someone sees it), it's about power. Feminists want power, and only feminist women to have it (so anyone not in their Rolodex, as female as she may be, is not to be included), and everyone else, no.

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I'm glad Title IX is an important topic on MANN. Definitely a vital MRA issue. You post almost every Title IX article I send you, I appreciate that!

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