Project MALES Receives Grant to Focus on Male Student Success

Story here. Excerpt:

'AUSTIN, Texas — The Greater Texas Foundation (GTF) has awarded Project MALES a grant for $335,314 to support Hispanic and African American male student success in college enrollment and degree attainment. Project MALES is an initiative within the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement at The University of Texas at Austin.

The grant will be awarded over a three-year period starting in summer 2013 to support the Texas Higher Education Consortium for Male Student Success, an ambitious statewide initiative that will align existing programs that target underrepresented male students in higher education and stimulates new initiatives within Texas colleges and universities.

“Data on educational attainment show that Hispanic and African American male students are not faring as well as their peers in college matriculation and graduation rates,” said Victor Sáenz, assistant professor of education and Project MALES director. “With the support of GTF, the consortium members will collaborate, share best practices, and leverage their resources and expertise to support male student success at their respective campuses across the state.”'

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