British School Bans 13 Year Old Boy from Movember

Story here. Excerpt:

'Movember marks the month when men have been encouraged to grow moustaches in support of fighting prostate cancer and raising awareness of male mental health issues. Many men are taking part of this endeavor and putting the razors down.

A 13 year old boy in Britain also wanted to take part and grow a moustache. However his school has banned him from partaking in it because it is not an “inclusive” activity.

Gus Hooker began shaving since he was 9 years old and decided to participate in Movember by growing a moustache and raising money for Prostate Cancer UK by joining men (and boys) around the world growing facial hair for Movember, the BBC reports.'

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Bet there'd be no objection to girls wearing a certain kind of make-up in support of breast cancer awareness or research, with the argument that indeed, boys could wear the same kind of make-up and thus it'd be inclusive.

Remember: It's only a real problem if it affects women/girls.

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