'Why Women Make Better Traders Than Men'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The release listed five possible reasons why women generally do better at financial spread betting, those being:

- Men hate to be wrong and take longer to admit that they have made an error;
- Women are better in a crisis and less emotional because, contrary to popular belief, female traders are more disciplined and less likely to panic;
- Women can more easily say no and sometimes the best trades are the ones you do not make;
- Women read the manual, stick to a strategy and question things that they are uncertain of; and,
- finally, women are measured as opposed to jumping in head first - which men are apparently prone to doing.'

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As I said recently, such are so commonplace as to be unnoticable-- unless you're an MRA, or possibly, in this case, an actual trader.

I have little doubt that this is another make-women-feel-good-about-themselves-by-putting-men-down piece. You can tell because it's full of crass sexist generalizations and what's more, the claim simply doesn't bear scrutiny. Take a look here at the top 32 hedge fund managers; not one is female. Now could there be one day? No doubt. But now? No. In short, it's all well and good to sit by and say "I/we could do that and do it better; it's just we don't want to.". It's another thing to actually prove it. As they say: Put up or shut up.

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